News last week that Sport magazine has been suspended for the time being has reignited the argument among Lounge members that ad funded can never work. Working in the only ad funded mobile network in the UK and privy to how this is going, I will always stick my neck on the line to say that I believe it does work, but it isn’t a licence to print money nor will it work in every case.
Friends Reunited have long ceased to be the bellwether in digital, but they have moved a subscription based service to emphasising socialising online with a step-up to the paid content of genes and dating.
Earlier this week, NMA’s Danielle Long wrote an article on Google’s model for YouTube - Has Google finally found its golden ticket to monetise YouTube? She ventures that the model used is charging for premium content. Time will tell if this balance works.
At Blyk, we make significant amounts from top-ups so the notion that we are entirely ad funded is false. The belief here is the free is good, but we have to be able to develop a model to look for other revenue streams.
It seems that for everything that is good about Sport, this is where it has finally been found wanting.
Tuesday, 21 April 2009
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