Friday, 30 January 2009

Retail Uncovered - Mobile

Had to do some reasearch for a session I did with Blyk clients called "Retail Uncovered", covering off key factors in the current economic climate and where mobile can help.

I got some good quotes and thought these should be shared.

Factors faced by today's market.

Inspired by Liz Fagan's address to Boots media, there are the key challenges faced from the consumer and from the market.

Consumer Challenges

Less consumer spend in the market
Maintaining or increasing footfall into store (eyeballs online)
Brand loyalty in a discount market
Who is in control of brand message in this market – consumer or marketer?

Marketing Challenges

Marketing budgets slashed
Fragmentation of media
Internal emphasis on ROI

Note I have highlighted where I think dialogue through mobile can have a direct impact. Moving on, I went into a study by Simeon Scammell-Katz of TNS Magasin. He states that there are 9 habits of a shopper in a recession.

1. The shift to cheaper brands
2. Increased usage of the discounter channel
3. A move from the convenience channel to multiples and from multiples to discounters
4. Fewer, more planned shopping occasions
5. Location - now even more important
6. Ensuring availability
7. Sustainability issues
8. Taxation
9. The internet

Again, I highlighted that there are fewer and more planned trips. Where mobile cuts into this is in the planning stage.

Next up, I quoted Sue Burden, Head of Brand and Communications research for TNS. TNS have conducted research into WOM and she came up with 3 rules of engagement:

1. Create a WOM opportunity with every brand / consumer touch point - not just your website, but also in store, advertising and packaging.

2. Make the WOM opportunity two-way - not just a channel for you to talk to them, but an opportunity for open dialogue. This will take commitment on your part, but the gains in terms of positive WOM can be invaluable.

3. Involve frontline staff - they are also vital WOM generators

I've highlighted where I see the mobile being a perfect WOM tool - 2 way dialogue.

So, concepts I threw around the group were that the mobile is the tool that retailers should be ussing to combat changes in a challenging market.


Thursday, 29 January 2009

80% of success is simply turning up

I quote Woody Allen here. 80% of success is simply turning up. I have to agree with the sentiment here.

OK, I am not saying that by turning up lady luck will smile on you 80% of the time. It takes a bit of skill to notice when the breaks are there and when to take them.

Sounds obvious? Let me put it this way. If you pack your running gear when you head to work in the morning, you are about 40% of the way there. If you put your running gear on after work and head downstairs to go for a run, you are another 40% there. There's your 80%. Your dressed and ready to run, you will hardly go down the pub - viola! Success.

So, what has this got to do with the price of eggs*? Well, Digital Lounge is about being there. Our mission statement is to take digital media to the next level and to ensure our members are at the cutting edge of things.

It is about being there and taking the breaks when you come across them. So here's my take of Woody's words of wisdom.

80% of success is turning up with your business card.

Speak soon!


* the price of eggs for me is the cost of keeping 6 chickens, but that is another conversation and another blog.

Tuesday, 27 January 2009

Digital Lounge January

The first Lounger event of 2009 promises to be one of the best so far. We have Andrew Grill of London Calling speaking. He's a self confessed mobile nut (sorry evangelist) and he is speaking on what's happening in '09 for mobile.

Obviously a pet subject for me.

So I will give you an update on how it went after tomorrow.
